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radiansToDegrees(radians:Number, decimalPlaces:int) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.MathUtil |
Converts radians to degrees. |
random(min:Number, max:Number, decimalPlaces:int) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.RandomUtil |
Returns a random number between a range. |
randomArray(min:Number, max:Number, length:int, decimalPlaces:int) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.RandomUtil |
Returns an array of random numbers that can be repeated. |
RandomUtil — class, package org.as3utils |
A utility class for working with random numbers. |
RandomUtil() — Constructor, class org.as3utils.RandomUtil |
RandomUtil is a static class and shouldn't be instantiated. |
rangeToPercent(num:Number, min:Number, max:Number, rounding:org.as3coreaddendum.system:NumericRounding) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.MathUtil |
Returns the percentage corresponding to the number in a given range. |
rect(x:Number, y:Number, w:Number, h:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.DrawUtil |
Returns a Shape object using the Shape.Graphics.drawRect method. |
ReflectionUtil — final class, package org.as3utils |
Provides a very basic reflection API. |
ReflectionUtil() — Constructor, class org.as3utils.ReflectionUtil |
Reflection is a static class and shouldn't be instantiated. |
remove(str:String, remove:String, stringCase:org.as3coreaddendum.system:StringCase) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.StringUtil |
Removes all occurrences of a substring from within the source String object. |
removeAccentuation(str:String) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.StringUtil |
Remove accented characters from the String object. |
removeAllOccurances(array:Array, element:any) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.ArrayUtil |
Removes all occurances of a the given element argument from the given array argument. |
removeAt(array:Array, index:int) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.ArrayUtil |
Removes the element at the specified position from the specified array. |
removeEnd(str:String, remove:String, stringCase:org.as3coreaddendum.system:StringCase) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.StringUtil |
Removes a substring only if it is at the end of the source String object, otherwise returns the source String object. |
removeFirstCharacter(str:String) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.StringUtil |
Removes the first character of the String object. |
removeFirstOccurance(array:Array, element:any) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.ArrayUtil |
Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. |
removeLastCharacter(str:String) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.StringUtil |
Removes the last character of the String object. |
removeLastOccurance(array:Array, element:any) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.ArrayUtil |
Removes the last occurrence of the specified element from the specified array. |
removeStart(str:String, remove:String, stringCase:org.as3coreaddendum.system:StringCase) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.StringUtil |
Removes a substring only if it is at the start of the source String object, otherwise returns the source String object. |
replaceExtended(str:String, find:String, replaceBy:String, stringCase:org.as3coreaddendum.system:StringCase) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.StringUtil |
Search for all occurrences of the String find within the String str and replaces by the String replaceBy. |
reverse(str:String) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.StringUtil |
Reverses the chars of the String object. |
round(num:Number, rounding:org.as3coreaddendum.system:NumericRounding) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.NumberUtil |
| |
rtrim(str:String) — Static Method , class org.as3utils.StringUtil |
Removes control characters(char <= 32) from the start of the String object. |
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